1970 – 1977
The painting
in question :
Media, Reports,
Plis et Déplis
The painting in question : Media, Reports, Plis et Déplis
The brush is abandoned and the elements of pictorial practice are all questioned: raw canvas; glues; incisions; paper rips. The series of the ‘Media’ are associated with a long plastic reflection. Strips of paper are torn off the surface of the artwork. Rolled into balls, they produce prints. The ink wash ofhina spreads over the unpainted part of the paper: the sound produced by drops dropping on the ground is crystallized in graphic representations. Degottex also introduces the practice of “report”: a part, firstly painted, slit, or scarified, comes to mark the part of the support left blank.

Arr rouge n° 11
Acrylic on paper
H. 150 - L. 111 cm

Média M2X3
Acrylic and Indian ink on paper
Lana paper on canvas
H. 200 - L. 150 cm

Média M 240 VI
Acrylic and Chinese ink on paper marouflaged to canvas
H. 240 - L. 150 cm

Papier plein obliques
Torn paper
H. 170 - L. 95 cm

Papier report
Indian ink on Velin paper
H. 80 - L. 120 cm

Plis-Report (I)
Acrylic on linen canvas
H. 412 - L. 400 cm